5/2/2023 9:53:55 AM

The officials of the Agency for Sustainable and Operative Social Provision (DOST)  under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population visited our Agency on 27.04.2023 within the scope of “Protocol on the X. Meeting of Joint Standing Committee on Labour and Social Security” signed between the Labour and Social Security Ministry of the Republic of Türkiye and the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its annex “2022-2023 Action Plan”.

The visit started with opening speeches made by Mr. Samet Güneş - Deputy Director General of İŞKUR - and Mr. Seymur Aliyev - Deputy Chairman of the Board of DOST Agency -. Employment Experts from the related departments of İŞKUR made a detailed presentation about the Agency’s employment, active labour, unemployment insurance, job and vocational counselling services, labour market researches and EU Projects of which İŞKUR is a beneficiary. During the presentation, experiences were shared related to the effects of new working models, which emerged post-pandemic on Turkish and Azerbaijani labour markets and transformations seen in labour markets.

Afterwards, the delegation paid a visit to Çankaya Service Centre to see the activities of İŞKUR on-site. The visit during which information were presented practically to the delegation through registration of job seekers, receiving job vacancies and application process, job coaching for the disabled and unemployment insurance operations by the directors of the Provincial Directorate and job and vocational counsellors ended in consequence of consultations on strengthening cooperation between agencies and increasing joint working areas.