6/3/2021 3:22:31 PM

3rd Meeting of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Public Employment Services Network was Held

Our Director-General Mr. Bekir Aktürk, participating in the 3rd Meeting of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Public Employment Services Network (OIC-PESNET), emphasised the importance of strong, sustainable and effective cooperation between the member countries and said that İŞKUR aimed to carry out important activities with the member countries under the umbrella of OIC-PESNET, which was established to create a systematic information exchange platform for their Public Employment Agencies.

Our Director-General Mr. Bekir Aktürk and the Director-General of SESRIC Mr. Nebil Dabur made the opening speeches of the meeting, which was held online on 02-03 June 2021 in cooperation with our Agency and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and attended by 70 senior representatives of public employment agency from 36 countries.

In his speech, our Director-General pointed out the importance of the cooperation between member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Mr. Aktürk stated that it was very critical to come together under the umbrella of OIC-PESNET to create a systematic information exchange platform for their Public Employment Agencies. He said that he believed this network would make a significant contribution to the development of their agencies and lead to a strong, sustainable, and effective friendship among them.

In his speech, the Director-General of SESRIC mentioned the importance of developing capacities of public employment agencies of the member states and emphasised the role of the activities and cooperation within OIC-PESNET in solving current and recent problems in labour markets, reducing unemployment, and struggling against poverty.

Following the opening speeches, presentations were made on the current situation of labour market in the member countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, and the works carried out under the leadership of İŞKUR and SESRIC in previous years within the scope of the 2025 Labour Market Strategy and OIC-PESNET. In the last part of the first day, the Rules of Procedure, which were prepared to address the working procedures and principles of OIC PESNET on a more institutional level and to strengthen the structure of the network, were shared with the member countries.

On the second day of the meeting, the Work Plan, which will determine the activities of OIC-PESNET for 2021-2022, was presented to the opinions of the countries, and information was shared about the next meeting and future activities. It was decided that the chairmanship of OIC PESNET during 2021-2022 would be carried out by İŞKUR on behalf of Turkey. After Mr. Uğur Tunç’s, Head of Department of Foreign Relations and Projects speech in which he highlighted the importance of the network and thanked the member states for their favour regarding the chairmanship, the meeting was ended with the speech of Mr. Onur Çağlar, Director of SESRIC Training and Technical Cooperation Department.